
Showing posts from June, 2022

2022 Colorado Class Championship

Round 1 I gave up a pawn to trade queens in time-pressure, which backfired when he played ...f5! which I hadn't seen.  Then I simply made a visual error in a long calculation, since the bishop was controlling g8 at the time, but not once the knight take it, since I had planned Rd2 pin, but then comes ...Rg8+!. Round 2 I got impatient and adventurous.  After the game, I thought that I should have kept blocking his rook with ...Rd8, and keeping my rook battery together, instead of wandering off with my king, in search of adventure in time-pressure. Round 3 The clock said one second after I played h4 and pushed it.  Expecting the clock to say 31, it instead went to zero.  I lost about 2 or 3 seconds as my fingers kept dancing between g4 and h4, playing the odd h4; it's like I couldn't stop them from doing it, while I was flustered. Round 4 My nerves were under control for this game, but it meant a more devil-may-care attitude at the board.  I spent seven minutes on the game lo